5 Simple Things You Should Know about SEO

On my way home I always come across an old ad on a billboard: thick red letters on a light ground "Simple Things Are Saving Your Life". Actually, the ad mostly concerns the health-care. However, in my SEO practice I have to repeat this constantly to those who take risks to become link-addicts. 5 standard rules will save you from Google penalty and from sudden drops of rankings and/or of your site PageRank.

The last Google PR update on November 7, 2011 only convinced me again that once you decide to participate in the SEO race, you always play away and you have to respect these rules. And whatever you do within your link popularity campaign, all your actions are strictly regulated by this little Code which is well known but not always used.

1. Do not fall into the link addiction.

One of the most frequent mistakes is the endless linking to anyone who has a correspondent offer. It doesn't mean you shouldn't acquire links whether you buy them or practice the links exchange. Whatever you do to get high quality links, you should always remember that too massive and too intensive quality linking seems unnatural for Goolge.
Thus, after purchasing 5 or 10 links of PR6 you have to make two-week break before the next round of your link popularity campaign. If you see the link which seems to make an exception, you'd better consult SEO expert.
And don't try to get all greatest links all over the web. It's better to know when enough is enough. 

2. The link should be "alive" as long as possible.

An interesting fact you usually start to realize after the 2nd year of SEO practice. Google is never, NEVER able to understand if the link is bought or acquired in a natural way. The only thing that helps Google to define the sponsored link is the period of this link "life".
The link which disappears after 1 month of use is much more dangerous for you than the one which works for years. Notice, we don't talk about profit, ROI, etc. I mean what I say - dangerous! Of course, if your site is nothing but an attribute of your business or just your hobby, you have nothing to be afraid of. But in this case you wouldn't have read this newsletter.

3. The quality always gains ground on the quantity.

We all know the principle that sooner or later the quantity will grow to the quality. In one of wonderful articles of Michael Martinez I saw the notion of "common wisdom" applied to the SEO field. So, this is one more example of so-called "common wisdom".
The quality link is hundreds and hundreds times more efficient and more useful for you than any other link included in those incredible 1000 link packs or even 3000 link packs which are erased after the first 3 months of use. Here appears an absolutely reasonable question: how to define the quality link. Well, not to bore you with my advices I just want you to remember that Jag cannot have the same price as Ford.

4. Use deep linking.

Don't you still know what the deep linking is? Don't you still know how it's used in the link building? Oh, in this case just come here at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_linking and read it right now. 
Please, stop thinking that your front page is the gem for your clients/users/buyers. On the contrary, your clients are much more interested in your inner page, because this inner page contains detailed information about the product they want to purchase. More of it, your buyers are fed up with sophisticated site navigation.
By using the deep linking you make them avoid all complications which could prevent them from the purchase. And in SEO terms you get the most wanted reward called Google LOVE, because Google really likes deep linking.

5. Work at your content.

Have a look at your site content and refresh it. And do it again and again. Whichever is your link set, whatever is your Google ranking, they won't save you from the trap of a poor content. That is why the advice to improve it all the time will always remain useful. And this very rule is probably the most important among all of them.
Please be noticed that this rule is given by the one who, in theory, don't have to care about all these texts, articles, notes, etc. Nevertheless, I give it to you now, because there is always the risk to get #1 place on Google SERPs for your most competitive keyword and not to get clients at all.

I hope that this information was useful for you and that these five simple things you know will not only save your site life on Google but will make it even better.

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